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A Deeper Look At INFP
When Stress Settles On An INFP

EVERYONE is prone to tension and it’s sibling, stress. It is available in our homelife, our work, school, drive time, you name it. So, it is not something that is indigenous only to the INFP, but let’s look at that because after all I am and INFP and I think I might be able to share some of the nuances associated with this personality type and stress.
It is probably our surroundings that most likely will create a stress overload for the INFP type. When the INFP is in an environment where there are strictly rigged rules to follow, an INFPs comfort zone is encroached. This personality type.
First off, the INFP are often so preoccupied with other things, and rules, deadlines, are not something they give a lot of attention to. They are fiercely independent and they often live by their very on code of values. They want to foremost be authentic. Striving to be original and and project their individuality is important to them and when their environment does not allow for that, then the tension rises. Tension and stress are not really good for anyone, but. especially an INFP.
Following tradition generally holds little appeal to the INFP, but this is one area I am less like the average INFP. The high regard for finding your own rules and structure is appealing to me, but I can still cling to some tradition.