AWP21 Is About To Go Live

Trivia question: Where was AWP21 supposed to be?

Above is something you will not see at this year’s AWP Conference. There will be no line to check in, there will be no lines for the men's’ room or ladies’ room either. You won’t be bumping into people at the book fair, or bumping into friends for that matter. What AWP21 promises is to be different. Will it be good? Your guess is as good as mine and I’m starting out from a disappointing point of view, but I can be swayed.

For those who do not know what AWP is, it is the quintessential writers conference. If you…



Michael A Wells - INFP personality type

Held captive in the Midwest but I love San Francisco, black coffee, chardonnay and diet coke. My vice is SF Giants baseball. I'm the poet you are running from.