Member-only story
Cracker Jacks Judge Memics Thomas
Continues Pratice of Law by Theory, Not Statute or Precededance

Judge Aileen Cannon has spent month after month slow walking Former President Donald Trumps’s Classified Documents Case with unorthadox actions, and rulings that have baffeled seasoned legal scholars. She has also been overturned in her circuit on maters related to the case. Now, while the newsprint on Trump surviving an assassination attempt is hardly dry, she announces that she is throwing out the case saying the Attorney General violated the constitution by appointing the Special Prosecutor.
Judge Cannon seemes to have missed the history of the Speciak Prosecutor going all the as back to the Watergate hearings. Admittedly, Cannon was born in 1981 so the 1972 Watergate Breakin that Nixon ordered, and his efforts to cover up the crime was 9 years before she was born. However, there have been countless Special Prosecutors appointed by Attorney Generals since then.
The language she used to explain the problem, was a copy-cat arguement by Supreme Court Justice Claremce Thomas recently in a decision, not specifically about the constitutionally of the Special Prosecutor, and further it was a position thar no other member of the Supreme Court concurred upon.