I have, in earlier writings. Ive highlighten efforts by Israeli and Palestinan adults to organize camps and other events to bring the children from both sides together and realize they are no different. Both need to be kids and free of the anxiety of this conflict. I believe if I recall,a couple of the people that helped organize this were former IDF who were torn by their experiances and decided the children are the future and they need to see each other and their commonalities and bridge that divide.
I honestly fear that Israel is headed to being a failed nation. That is not something I would cheer on. I want the same things for the people of Gaza that I do of Israel. But things have to change.
Gaza cannot remain a closed in outdoor prison.
Israel cannot thrive if it becomes isolated to the world. Such Isolationism would in some respects be akin to the isolation of Gaza that has been imposed on it. I believe there are enough good willed adults in Israel, most probably with children and therefor feeling they have a stake in peace for the sake of their children as well as all others. Israel needs new leaders. It needs people that have a healthier vision the region and the prospects of peaceful coexistance. Being a political creature most of my life, I realizs how hard it can be to wrestle the power from those who abuse it. But I do hope many new faces will come forward and replace the dangerous right wing in the current cabinet.