I understand what you are saying. It becomes a sticky situation because what Israel is doing now simply cannot be tolerated.
In open observance of the world, Netanyahu has unleashed the IDF and daily we are seeing:
legitimate settlers in the West Bank executed while IDF looks on.
We are seeing AI-directed bombing hits for which Israeli military officials have admitted do not discriminate as to targets. Residences, refugees, UN Schools, and Churches including historic sites. Hospitals, civil infrastructure.
They drop leaflets with warnings and have QR codes with maps to show safe zones. These are window dressings. We warned you. Never mind the internet is down more than not. You have not been able to charge your [hone in days. And if you are fortunate enough to get the information, many of these locations have turned out not to be a safe place.
Maybe upwards of 70% of the deaths are women and children. They are not combatants. they are civilians.
You cut off water, you control when food and fuel are let in. Fuel becomes a necessity to operate generators to power hospitals, and desalinization plants.
Cultural sites. Historic sites and antiquities are demolished. This is what you do when you are not only killing people but killing the idea that the people ever existed, This is genocide. This is ethnic cleansing, Sadly, this is something Jews and Israelis should get. They were victims of a holocaust.
All of the things I have listed are war crimes. Netanyahu is no different than Slobodan Milosevic. Maybe worse. He is no different than Hamas. They are all war criminals.
And the U.S. has become complicit. The first thing that needs to happen is to withdraw the blank check for Israel.
There is plenty of evidence (Israel's own words) to document that the AI system named Gospel is not discriminating targets. That means they are not differentiating between civilian targets and military targets.
Vast numbers of Palestinian civilians will have no homes to return to. They are rubble. This is not taking care to lessen the death of innocents. There is no moral equivalency here between October 7th and today.
My question is when do the war crimes trials convene for Hamas, Netanyahu, the war cabinet, and IDF perpetrators?
We are all kidding ourselves if we believe that Netanyahu will eliminate Hamas. It has become an ideology, not a person. You can thank Netanyahu for the fact that at least of generation of surviving Palestinian children will grow up and become prime recruitment material. Those who lost parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts uncles. They have witnessed this before their own eyes, They have felt the hunger and cried for a sip of clean water.
These are war crimes, it is the civilians on both sides that have sadly paid the price.