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Israeli Police Crack Down on Bookseller
Israeli Police survey reading material and decide impound books and take owners into Custody

Israeli police raided two Palestinian bookstores in on Sunday,in East Jersulisam, and confiscate books and arresting one of the owners and his nephew, according to their family.
Israeli police reaided two Booktores Sunday and confiscated some reading material and arrested the owner and a nephew. Police said they were “selling books containing incitement and support for terrorism.”
Accordinf to a lawyer for the two, “We argued that the books in question discuss Palestinian history, human rights and the suffering experienced by the Palestinian people and various communities. They maintain that these books do not pose any threat or danger and do not support the allegations made against them.”
Among books confiscated was a children’s coloring book titled “From the River to the Sea.” The expression is politically controversial in Israel. Some Palestinians use the phrase in support of a homeland between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean, but many Jews regard it as a call for Israel’s destruction. Others maintain that it embodies the idea of a democratic one state that is inclusive of Palestinians and Jews alike. There are other variations of the…