Let me point out a couple things. One, You suggest Palestinians surrender. Are you the least bit aware that. the Palestinians are not at war with Israel. Israel is at war with Hamas. Palestinians have no standing army.
Your so called solution is no solution whatsoever. It is a statement of what you apparently wish to happen. It shifts everything onto Palestinians.
You question their values - specifically the children and the land. They are. not the only ones with children and land in this situation. So what about the Israelis? Maybe they should surrender for the sake of their Children.
Perhaps the memo from the Hague has not made it to you yet. Let me help you out here... The top U.N. court ruled Friday that Israel’s presence in the Palestinian occupied territories is “unlawful” and called on it to end, pointing to the building and expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, and east Jerusalem, its annexation and imposition of permanent control over lands and discriminatory policies against Palestinians. opinion on the legality of Israel’s 57-year occupation of lands sought for a Palestinian state, and the ruling is likely have heightened effect on international opinion.
If you seriously were offering this as a solution, don't quit your day job because as a diplomat you aare sure to fail.