John Roberts Legacy Will Be What He Could No Be to the Court

With the Likes of Clarence Thomas and Samual Alito on this court you might thin they would steal all the negative attention

Chief Justice John Roberts at the State of the Union address at the Capitol in February 2023.Tom Williams / CQ Roll Call via AP file

Alito & Thomas could either one become a Legacy figures of this court. Surely, they will be remember maybe more for the perception that they have brought to this court of ethically bankrupt justices. But, I predict that some of the harshest criticism of this court will fall on the back of John Roberts.

He is the Chief Justice, so it’s woud not be unfair to call this the Robert’s court. But there is another reason that this chiel justice will be historically be linked to the modern day crash and burn of the institution. I felt, and I believe many others that John Roberts would be viewed as a giant in the history of the Supreme Court. In large part to a preception that he was a principaled jurist and could be a leader that could bridge any extremes that would develope on the court.

I believed that Roberts would be an excellent caretaker of court and it’s integrety. Oh, how wrong I was. It has been under his observation that members of this court raised eyebrow upon eyebrow of prublc scrutinty of at least two members that have earned the moniker of “no conficence” with respect to their…



Michael A Wells - INFP personality type

Held captive in the Midwest but I love San Francisco, black coffee, chardonnay and diet coke. My vice is SF Giants baseball. I'm the poet you are running from.