Oh, You are talking about our Tax Code. Yest Trump loves to redistrubate wealth.
He haso believed in scamming students at his fake University for himself.
He especially loved to scam contractors by stiffing them when their work is done.
On a recent flight to Montana to campaign for another Republican there he griped about having to drive all over the fucking state to get from the airport to the event. There was a Really close airport, but he still owed them money from his last campaign.
I'm so glad you mentioned redistrabution of wealth. I can go on and on., because that is out tax code at work.
Trump gave the rich the biggest Tax cut in history on the backs of the middle class. He says he wants to do that again.
Your Talking Points are straight out of the failed GOP talking points.
Ih thinks it's too high when Corporations can widdel their taxes down t about 8%. What do you think a fireman, or a teacher, or a parking attendent pay?
Yeah, we can talk about redistrubation of income all day long. I think the Democrats are down with that. Because I don't think Trump wants to defend what his Tax cut for the wealthy did to this country.