Oyez! Oyez! Oyez!

Roberts —We framed the decision as one made for Posterity rather than any Single President.


Photo by Bermix Studio on Unsplash

In Bush V Gore — 2000, the Supreme Court acted in a matter of days. My recollection is only 2 days.

Today, the nation’s highest court which has taken it’s sweet time to reach this decision, in essence still kicked the matter further down the road by sending it back to the lower court and asked them to parse out what is covered as official acts and what is not. It should not take a rocket scientist to determine that illegal actions undermining an election and obstruction of proper cirtification of said election results, would not constitute an official act of a president. But, this court sometimes has trouble where simplicity is concerned.

On a 6–3 decision they handed Trump a partial victory. They said he has broad immunity on actions related to official business — but suggested that outside of that window he may have no immunity. Trump applauded the ruling as a personal victory. But if you buy the argument that one can unlawfully obstruct the official action to certify an election as a legitimate function or duty of the office, you are pretty gullible.



Michael A Wells - INFP personality type

Held captive in the Midwest but I love San Francisco, black coffee, chardonnay and diet coke. My vice is SF Giants baseball. I'm the poet you are running from.