Short of this change, yes, the prospects of peace and any recovrey of the Palestanian people are in my view impossible.
More specifically as to Israel, failure in this area will doom it. It has lost creadability with the world at large. Furtherane of this governent will only isolate them further. As an American I can tell you people here, even American Jews are running from the Israeli Government. They are saying the same think I say and that U.S. $ for military aid needs to end.. I can support the Iron Dome, but not offensive weapons.
AIPAC poured millions into to Congressional races because the Democrats called for a cease fire. But the campaign adds they ran against them had nothing to do with Gaza. But we know that is why they were targeted.
There is an effort now to present AIPAC in the same negative way we have gone after the NRA. More and more people believe this is Netanyahu playing a heavy hand in American Politics. Let's face it, He like Donald Trump are clinging to whatever power they can to stay out of prison.