Thank you for wrting this. It is I'm sure an emotional time for you, and I appreciate that you were willing to share. I also appreciate the bits of humanity that you have broughht into the glum of Gaza.
My heart crys for these people daily,. Sometimes multiple times a day as I learn of attacks there.
You have painted a picture of isolation from the world that is not new, but has been going on for decades. But the death and destruction has no where to hide.
I worry about the young children. What they see. What is is like to struggle to find food and clean water. I worry that the losses of siblings, of one or both parents, cousins, aunts and uncles will be overwhelming.
I worry that this Generation of Palestanians will grow up with such hatred that their shattered lives will become fertil grounds for the likes of Hamas. What chance of peaece do the have given that they even survive,
I know many Jews who are very kind and giving people. I have many writer friends who are Jewish and they have been vocally in support of an permenant case fire. I know all of Israel is not savage. But what I see of the government is concerning. As long as Netanyahu and the hard liners continue to be in charge, they will fan the flames of hate that is no different that that of Hamas. Israel deserves better. Palestine deserves better.
The outside forces that continue to pose a threat to Israel are real, and I fear that Netanyahu is not a person that can walk gengerly without tripping a wire that emplodes everything.
I am glad you wre able to get your children out of there. I appreciate that you were willing to write this. You come from a perspective of knowlwdge and understanding of realities there and it is important that we have writting of witnes from people that can reflect poth for the present but also future generalions as they look back and try to understant that which is beyond the edge of humanities ability to understand.
Also, a thak you to the translator that made this important work moore widely available to the western world to read.