The Far Right in Israel — Can it Count on the Support of the People?

Photo by Levi Meir Clancy on Unsplash


On Friday Joe Biden Unveiled what he called a three-phase Israeli proposal to end the conflict in Gaza, release of all hostages with a “full and complete ceasefire.”

Two far-right Israeli ministers, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, and National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, have threatened to resign and bring down the governing coalition of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the event he were to sign on the peace proposal laid out by US President Joe Biden.

Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich has made some of the most causric public comments about Palestinians and said he will withhold taxes earmarked for Palestine through. the Palestinian Authority. He has aso threatened to flood the West Bank with thousands of new Israeli Settlements. He has been especially inflammatory in his public face as a part of the ruling government.

The question of what government would emerge from this one dissolving? I would assume they would hope to reorganize without Netanyahu. I don’t sense that the bulk of the Israeli people would be on board with continuing a far right. government. Whatever would come out of such a move would most likely be a coalition formed from…



Michael A Wells - INFP personality type

Held captive in the Midwest but I love San Francisco, black coffee, chardonnay and diet coke. My vice is SF Giants baseball. I'm the poet you are running from.