Member-only story
The INFP — the Unicorn
Embrace the Unicorn — take the good of your personality and make it a benefit.

The Briggs & Myers personality type INFP occurs only 4.4% across the population. Slightly more female than male. As a disclaimer, I am an INFP. So I may of course say things here with a slight bias, but I will try my best to be objective and to an extent be in a position to affirm some traits based upon my own personality. As a group, we are rare within society, but not the rarest. That distinction goes to the INFJ which shares many same traits. You could say we are the unicorns in that we possess an extremely small portion of the personality types. There are sixteen types in all.
INFPs are feelers. That is they care greatly about what is going on with others around them. They seem to be almost duty-bound to have a positive impact on others. I personally find this to reflect on my own life. I believe it is one of the things that has for many years of my life pulled me towards politics and social issues. Sometimes this is nothing more than encouragement but it could mean broader involvement. Some INFPs can go overboard on helping others to a fault. They might be putting others before themselves. Generally speaking, that is a limitation I don’t often cross. If you are in a relationship with an INFP, know to look out for them to make certain they are looking out for their own self-care.