The probem inherany to antisemitism it the assumption that you are antisemitic if you oppose Israel policy. I can deplore genicide by netwnyahu without hating Jews individually. Much the same way I can sing the national anthem at a ballgame and deplor racial bias in all it's forms in the U.S.
The Netanyahu government is a clear example. He has lead the IDF into an intentional abuse of power over women and children in Gaza. the numbers of deaths are either some of the sloppiest miltary actions or intentional persutation of civilians. I think the handwriting siggests the latter.
Cutting off foof anf water supplies, bombing thr hrll out of 70-75 % of residentual housing. Killing close to 40,000 and wounding twice as many, attacking UN Schools,attacking medical facitities, killing large numbers of press and aid workers. Destroying over 200 culyural sites. These are all textbook signs of ethnic cleansing.
The jewish people have suffered much over the years. I would think that collectivelly they have come to know the evils of genicide. I think most do, but many in the ledership of thsi government apparently have not learned that there are war crimes.
As bas as Hamas is, and I deplore them, Netanyahu is like Hamas on steroids
Let me repeat. hatful treatment of Jews is antisemetic. Deploring a government that pratices genocid is not the same.