The word anti-semantic gets thrown around a lot lately. I have many friends here in the U.S. who are Jewish. Some of my best friends clear back in High School days were Jews. Most of my present circle of Jewish Friends have called for a cease-fire the first week. Not a temporary one, but a complete cease-fire.
Many tell me that I am anti-semantic if I am not supporting Israel on this. You hate Israel they say. Israel is a country. Even if I did hate Israel, it would be based on their policies. If I categorically had a bias against Jews, that would be antisemitic.
I don't deny there are antisemites out there. I am not one. There are also Islamaphobes out there. Speaking of which - I don't like how those two terms line up. Islamaphobe sounds more like a phobia there needs to be a better word that has some correlation between the two