This of course. is why Trump's Plan was DOA. No Arab country is going to lift a finger to make this happen. It would be putting there stamp of approval of the ethnic cleansing that Netanyahy has championed. In fact, Egypt has announced a competing plan that is much more realistic and is likely to garner international support.
ON the broader topic of Trump's GeopoliticalView, It is caving in on him. His capitulation to Putin and his trashing of 70 years of allie support for Europe, who by the way cam to the U.S. aid under the NATO charter during 9-11 is a fools errand. Europe. and other countries now see the United States as untrustworthy with exchanging intelligence information. He has put the U.S. in an isolationist position in the world.
Trumps only claim to fame it that he is good at blowing up and burning down things that matter (other than to himself alone)