When This Happens

It is sad when people engague in dialogue over pieces written and the author decides to deleate and ignore.

Deleted user

responded to That said, Israel has made alligations agains UNRAW post Oct 7 that they have never provided a…

about 3 hours ago

Deleted user

responded to What would you call a state the that for 55 years, occupied Palestine, using that as a vehicle to…

about 4 hours ago

Deleted user

responded to By the way, In 2020, the Israeli human rights organization Yesh Din found that Israeli treatment of…

about 4 hours ago


I make it a habit when disagreeing with something I’ve read, to be respectful in my responses. Reasonable people may disagree. If I disagree it is generally based upon some different understanding of the facts at issue.

Sadly, today I had three responses to a piece that I read. The writer is in fact a very polished writer. I have read her work and agreed with her in part on some of the things she has said.

This is the first instance I have had of this happening, but rather than addressing the replies to her piece, I see this afternoon that Those have all been deleted and I have been blocked.



Michael A Wells - INFP personality type

Held captive in the Midwest but I love San Francisco, black coffee, chardonnay and diet coke. My vice is SF Giants baseball. I'm the poet you are running from.