Work permits have largely been curtailed - you canot just get in a car or walk across that chevck point. It is a check point for a reason. Yes people with work permits were allowed through. But again, they are largely curtailed.
Yes, a few children have been treated there, But no one in Gaza leaves Gaza without prior approval no matter which crossing they use. There ane countless children on waiting lists for humanatarian hospitalization in Turkey and other European Countries. They are often delayed for months and often indefinately without a surrogate care taker traveling with them that has been approved. Very often a parent traveling with the child has been rejected - leaving the child / patient with medical conditions worsening. Gaza has no airports. To travel beyond they must get clearance to cross to Egypt by Israel. The red tape is obnoxious to put it mildly.
Not So - IDF were asleep at the wheel. Read the various accounts of the situation - Israeli Government officials have been point fingers at who was responsible for the breakdown., I would say your article is full of holes and won't hold water, much less facts.
Facts? NO. Opinions - perhaps, but mostly unfounded. Besides Opions are like butt holws, everyone has one. Ideas? I'm not sure you offered any ideas at all and as far as analysis, if you mean reaching conclusions based on misinformation, then yes, I suppose you have analysed the issues. But incorrect;y.