You said- "At what point did this brain dead idiot not realize that's what every nation has to do. They have to decide, what are we going to produce and what are we going to import."
REPLY -With all due respect your contuinual reference to "Brain Dead Person" dosen't help your response. Most nations are not self contained against their will withing boarders they do not control. Noting comes in and nothing leaves without first being subject to Istrael. Your arguement falls flat on it's face.
You said,- By this guys brain dead defintion - then the State of Hawaii is an open air prison -- since most goods must be imported to the islands - since they cannot produce everything themselves.
AGAIN - Hawaii is NOT an open air prison - They produce, expport and import at will. They have many crops.
Gaza has have augracultural violance by Israeli settlers inthe West Bank that have destroyed crops and prevented farmers from accessing their fields. ADDITIONALLY, Hawaii is not required to rely in The United States to let they import or export, They are free do do as they wish. They are Not walled off and they do niot have gates out that they do not control. Good Loard, are you that oblivious to thes things? No they cannot produce everything themselves, but they do not have people destroying their crops and even then, they are relient on Israel to let goods in or out. There is no similiarity in your argument.